How to Watch Interstellar?

I know it is too late to speak about Interstellar, undisputedly one of the legendary classics from Christopher Nolan. The movie plot takes place in 2050, where the director hypothesizes that there would be sandstorm all over the World and vegetation would be nearly impossible. On a deeper look, we can observe that there are no pet animals in the movie, though the movie revolved around a farmer’s family. Maybe he was trying to convey that, in 4 decades, only the non-primitive organisms like male humans and female humans would survive this world. At the same time, a secret group from NASA would design a craft with the space station to send around 5000 embryos to another galaxy so that the human race would not become extinct. A former pilot who then became a farmer would mysteriously be taken to the NASA group and would be pleaded to operate the craft considering his experience to have flown in the Stratosphere. The group of scientists would tell him that he should fly to the next galaxy where there were planets that are suitable for human existence and bring the data to earth along with the scientists who already traveled there. That was plan A. And there was Plan B to take human fertilized eggs with them to plant them there just in case if they find it would be difficult to send all the humans to the next galaxy. That way, the human race wouldn’t become extinct. He would agree to this so as to save his family and million other families and fly to the galaxy. There he would learn that he was bluffed by the scientist (the actual plan was only to send the fertilized eggs to the next galaxy) and would try to come back to the Earth. This is not even the main plot of the movie. The actual theme of the movie is about the relativity theory by Einstein and Nolan’s curious idea as to how it would be if gravity is coupled with space and time in the Earth.

Though this might sound so complex, it is easy to understand and once understood, you would watch Interstellar twice, appreciate its elegance and also you might be able to understand a little more in Physics. Let’s open that gate of Physics.

Relativity Theory:

Einstein was curious about the relationship between space and time.


This is the result of relativity equation. You would have seen these kinds of pictures showcasing the fast moving vehicles in the traffic. How do they capture it? Photographers slow down the shutter speed. By slowing down the shutter speed, photographers technically say that more amount of light gets into the picture or frame. A physicist would say that the camera captures the image at a different space at a different time. Faster the shutter speed, lesser the number of co-ordinates (places) the object moved in the space frame. Slower the shutter speed, more the number of co-ordinates (places) the object moved in the space frame.

Let us assume the time is in X axis and Space, in Y axis. The car is at (1,1) co-ordinate initially.

A stranded car would remain in the same space at all times (1,1), (2,1), (3,1), (4,1)…..


A Moving car would appear in the different spaces at the corresponding times (1,1), (2,2), (3,3), (4,4)…..


If the shutter speed is the maximum, only the Graph 1 will be captured. As the shutter speed decreases each graph adds up and gives a line like appearance.


This relation between space and time is relativity theory. Now the wormhole is something where the graph sheet is folded vertically. This is explained in Interstellar.


Using the wormhole they travel to the other galaxy in search of planets that have a near existential environment for human life. There were already two astronauts who went to that galaxy, were analyzing the data and were sending data to the space station. Then they had to decide on which planet to visit. With the time available to them, they could visit only one planet because the planets were near a black hole, Gargantua.

Black holes have very heavy gravity. That creates a time lapse. If there is more gravity (attraction force between molecules), there will be difficulty in movement in molecules. We will not be able to move as fast as we do on Earth. But we won’t feel that difficulty due to inertia. Since all the molecules undergo lapse in movement, we will be casual though we move really, really slow. In the case of Gargantua, to spend 1 hour, it equals 7 years on Earth. That is how gravity is related to time. Higher the gravity, slower the time.


Now, after wasting a lot of time (relative time on Earth where 1 hour he spent was 7 years in Earth), the hero gets into the black hole Gargantua that throws him into the wormhole that led to the bookshelf in his home.

Gravity-Time Relation:

On the Earth, where our feet are attached to the ground, 1 second is equal to 1 second. There is no going back as long as the gravity is positive. But in the wormhole where he was floating, the gravity was variable (positive and negative). With negative gravity, he could travel back in time. He traveled back in time and gave the Morse code signal with books and said “STAY” to himself back in time to avoid all the miseries he had undergone. But the hero on Earth did not listen to him (fortunately).


Time can be altered corresponding to gravity only in the higher dimensions like wormhole where space-time is the fifth dimension in which humans (mass and energy) is allowed to exist (with artificial oxygen).

Gravity is the answer:

He suddenly realizes that it was him, all the while, talking to himself to solve a complex equation. If the gravity was included in time-space relation, time could be altered. So he travels a little forward in time, gives himself the co-ordinate to NASA secret mission center, sends himself to join the team and travels a little more in time and feeds the gravity-time-space relation code through the Morse code in “seconds-hand” in the watch he presented to her.


  1. Time is not absolute. It varies with gravity. Gravity can act on time and change the course, hypothetically.
  2. The relation between space and time is the relativity theory that creates the solar system, Galaxy, Milky Way, and Universe.
  3. Any mass or energy (Human, Planets, Sun, Stars) inserted into space-time matrix creates a dent/impact. It (mass and energy) fills the space at that particular time so that the whole universe balances itself. For example, if the Sun is removed from the solar system, all the planets would be destroyed. If the moon is destroyed, the gravity acting on the earth, wind and tide pattern would collapse, or even change the pattern of Earth’s revolving orbit.
  4. Even your presence in this world is to balance your associated environment. Your presence means a lot to this world. Feel useful and say thanks to Science J



This article is not about Interstellar movie. But to give a little input on the basics of Einstein’s Relativity Theory, Wormhole, and Blackhole. These theories are such basics that should be known to everyone, for the world is progressing in 176th level while we are in zero.